Open year-round.

Bizarre but Breathtaking
Pop your head under the giant Pacific octopus for a new point of view, or marvel at moon jellies that light up the exhibit. You’ll walk away knowing that zombie worms aren’t science fiction, and which invertebrates are known for their stinging cells.
Giant Pacific Octopus
Meet a blue-blooded, jet-propelled master of disguise. The giant Pacific octopus is highly intelligent. These animals have been known to solve mazes, use tools, and open jars to access food.
In the Exhibit

Moon Jelly
It may look like something out of this world, but the aptly-named moon jelly can be found throughout the world’s oceans.

Japanese Spider Crab
The Japanese spider crab is the largest arthropod on the planet, reaching up to 12 feet from claw to claw.

Pacific Sea Nettle
These beautiful invertebrates hunt by spreading their long tentacles like a huge net, relying on barbed stingers to release a paralyzing toxin into their prey.

Common Cuttlefish
Cuttlefish have many defensive mechanisms: a water-shooting siphon they can use to propel them away from danger; ink to distract and disorient a predator, and camouflage abilities to help them avoid detection.

Lagoon Jelly
The majestic lagoon jelly is found in the Indian Ocean, Red Sea, and as far west as the Indo-Pacific.
The new Spineless exhibit might be the coolest area of the aquarium. It just goes to show that life can be weird and beautiful at the same time. ”
WCS Member